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About Us

Who We Are?

Mental Health Literacy Project India Foundation (MeHeLP India Foundation) is a registered charity (a non-profit organization) in India with the aim of promoting mental health literacy in urban and rural India. The Foundation’s work will focus on lived experiences of people with mental health conditions and their families to promote public understanding about living with mental illness, help-seeking and support for promoting mental health and wellbeing. MeHeLP India Foundation actively promotes the World Health Organization’s (WHO) motto “There is no health without mental health”; and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).

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“We promote fearless
conversations on mental health and wellbeing”

Our Team


Promote mental health literacy in urban, rural & tribal India using creative methodologies, research and innovative community engagement for developing good mental health wellbeing, and resilience.
“Mental health is one of the most important determinants of our health and wellbeing. It influences the way we think, feel, behave, work and interact with our family and friends.”
According to the World Health Organization mental health is not just the absence of any mental illness. Rather it is a state of mind in which we are able to recognize our abilities, strengths and weaknesses and use them wisely to deal with various life stressors and lead a productive and functional life contributing to self as well as the community.
The World Health Organization states that there is no health without mental health and gives mental health great importance in promoting our health and wellbeing. Mental health means our ability to create self-awareness, positive thinking, our ability to recognize stress and strain in our daily lives, and our ability to manage it well. In everyday life, many people talk about coping with stress and tension.