Kerala Law Academy

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Kerala Law Academy

An interactive session on Mental Health Literacy was conducted at Kerala Law Academy. The welcome address to the session was given by Prof Hareendran K, The principal of Kerala Law Academy. An interactive session on “Culturally Appropriate Mental Health Literacies for Mental Health and Wellbeing” was conducted by Prof. Raghavan for law students and faculty members of Kerala Law Academy. This session covered topics such as what is meant by mental health and how it is different from mental illness, the mental health status of Kerala and what can be done to improve it, what mental health literacy is and how building resilience can help improve mental health. Two short films, the Recipe, and the Verdict by MeHeLP India foundation were also presented to help participants to understand the stigma around mental health and the difficulties faced by people with psychiatric illness, caregivers, and professionals in the field of mental health. Participants were given an opportunity to discuss and express their views.

Launch of The MeHeLP Handbook: A guide to Mental Health
This was followed by the launch of the MeHeLP India foundation handbook by Prof Raghu Raghavan, Prof Hareendran K, Prof Anilkumar K, Arun V Unnithan and Dr. Dakshina Saraswathy. Prizes for the winners of the essay writing competition conducted for the students at Kerala Law Academy on the topic “How do You Construct Mental Health and Well-Being in Yourself? How Can We Address the Problem of Mental Health Stigma from a Social Justice Perspective in Kerala?” was distributed by Prof. Raghavan. The winners were Nandan GK, Meenakshy V S, K.S.Gokulkrishna, Hasna Haleel and Gouri CV. The vote of thanks was proposed by Mr Arun V Unnithan. All the participants were given the handbook and MeHeLP brochures at the end of the session.

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Event Details

Date: October 10, 2020 @ 10:00 am - September 22, 2026 @ 12:00 pm
Time: 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Venue: Thiruvananthapuram
Address: Thiruvananthapuram